Monday, November 5, 2012

Big News!

We have a ton of really big news this month! I know we were pretty quiet last month, but that is because we were getting ready for this pretty big announcement!

As of December 01 2012 we will be moving to Abbotsford BC.  While we have immensely enjoyed our time on the Sunshine Coast & we will greatly miss the many wonderful people, rescues & fellow small business owners we have gotten to meet - (this really was a difficult decision to make), but we are doing it to be closer to my family in the end.

So the bad news is that if you live on the Sunshine Coast and you have any outstanding prize certificates to claim or you have been waiting for the right moment for a shoot...well....this is it!  The time is NOW :) And I really recommend booking this week as the weather looks like it might be remarkably nice for those outdoor shoots and clear Thurs-Sat. and who knows if that will happen again the rest of the month!  *Knock on Wood!*

The good news is if you live on the Coast, after the move I am always willing to meet up with you in Vancouver to do a shoot :)

The good news is if you are in the Abbotsford & Lower Mainland Area - We're coming your way at long last!  There is a smidge of bad news however for you all and I know it will be disappointing for some of you to hear, but please bear with us.  I will not be taking regular bookings in December.  The upside however is that I will still have Gift Certificates available for the Holidays!  It was a tough choice to make but with us moving and it being the holidays as well, it is just the best choice for us to make.  I will however still be offering shoots for any and all local animal rescue groups for the holidays for their animals in need.  The holidays is a very special time for me and my family & it is one of my most favourite times of the year.  For us it is not about getting, but about giving back to others & esp. those in need; which is why we will still be offering up shoots to rescues over the holidays.  I am also hoping to put together some kind of fun fundraiser & contest as well to keep us all in the holiday spirit even if we are not doing our usual bookings for December!  So be sure to hit us up on our Facebook Fan Page and let us know if you'd be interested in participating in them!

You will also be seeing more shares from local Rescues & such on our Facebook Fan Page & Twitter - with us moving to a larger city there are a few more to support and we are looking forward to meeting all our new fans & fellow local shops/businesses & local rescues as well!

Wishing you all a happy Monday! And be sure to keep watching our Facebook Fan Page & Twitter for more news about our big move!