Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

First of all I want to wish all the mommas out there, be your children have 4 paws or 2 legs, a very happy and wonderful Mother's Day today!  I don't have any human kids but I have 2 beautiful fur-kids; Lisa-Lee & Poly-Ana who are the lights in my world.  To all the amazing mommas out there, my own included, I hope you all have an amazing day and thank you for all you do!  You are all beautiful, wonderful and amazing women! 

Miss Lisa-Lee - Easter 2012

Miss Poly-Ana - Easter 2012

Now, onto what I know all of you have been waiting for on pins and needles and dying to know all morning lol Especially you wonderful women who entered our first Mother's Day Contest!  All of your entries touched me very much and you all worked very hard to collect some votes too!  So first and foremost let me say a HUGE thank you to you all for entering and sharing your beautiful stories and wonderful fur-kids with us!  In my book you are all amazing and are all winners and I am so very glad I did not have to choose!

However, that said, I am going to do something special for our wonderful entrants that shared their beautiful stories with us all - that might be a little bit unexpected.....but first a reminder of our contestants and their (I know I'm being incredibly cruel drawing this out aren't I? LOL)

Michelle & Poncho

This is awesome I was just going through my pics and the only one I can find of me and my dog is from maybe 1 1/2 ago and he will be two in april 27th my name is Michelle and my best friend is named poncho in this shot is is maybe 45 lbs and now he is almost 150 lbs of love so having a mother's day pic with him would be awesome lol this pic is from aug 2010

Shawntel & Rudiger

Hi I would love to have a professional photo of myself and my pup (although he is 10 years old haha) done. My husband, me, and our dog Rudiger just moved to the sunshine coast at the end of March from the city. Our family is all back in the lower mainland. We have never had a professional photo shoot done with our dog, but it would be great to have some quality family photos to send to our family. Our family is constantly calling and asking how both of us as well as our dog Rudiger is, and how much they miss him now that they can't see him on a regualr basis. I would love to send them a photo, one that they could proudly display. I always knew that I don't have any great photos of myself and my dog but after looking through my pictures for this contest I realized that I don't have many photos of us together, and the ones I do have are definatley not worth sending our family.

Diane & Kaiser
Here's a picture of Diane, my partner/spouse, and one of her two pugs. This is Kaiser, 'the baby'. The pugs have been Diane's children for over 11 years, and they are getting on and starting to fail a bit. I would love to have a professionally shot portrait of her and her two boys - the day is coming that they will pass on, and having a beautiful photo would be a touchstone for her. She's never had pets of her own before.

The pugs are very photogenic but Diane has a terrible habit of talking, making 'homey' hand gestures, tilting her head funny (see exhibit A) or looking at the dog(s) rather than the camera. We need your help! I really don't want to have to see a ridiculous pose or mid-mouthful of words picture to immortalize the three of them together.

Sue & Bre
Hi, attached is a picture of my Bre with me. It's not exactly a flattering picture ... however she loves to climb onto my lap and get a scratch on her legs and butt!!

would love to win and get a professional picture!!

And now the results of the Voting....... 

In first place with a whopping 18 votes is....... drum roll please........


followed very closely behind with another whopping 16 votes and you two ladies were neck in neck and swapping places for the past couple days! It was a very close race between you two for sure!!!!


In third place with 8 votes was....


and last but certainly not least - our very first entry.....who earned 5 votes (and you two ladies were also neck in neck the past couple days as well btw! LOL)... is.....


So now you know who came in what place! It was a very close race for 1st and 2nd and another tight one between 3rd and 4th! You all had me on the edge of my seat right up until midnight last night!

Now all of you in my eyes are definitely winners! And I'd make you all winners if I could....oh wait.....this IS my contests so I guess I could....and it is mother's day after all.....and I know this is something that would make my own momma and my two fur-kids smile too .....I am going to change things up a little bit ... in a good way....and I hope you all don't mind :)  

So.... Shawntel & Rudiger and also Sue & Bre - you ladies worked your tail feathers off working hard for those votes and had me on the edge of my seat as you two swapped places throughout the contest!  You two are BOTH going to receive a prize of a free 60 minute outdoor pet paw-trait session which will include 5 edited images on CD  as well <3   

But, Diane & Kaiser and Michelle & Poncho you worked pretty darn hard too so you two ladies will BOTH be receiving a free 30 minute outdoor mini paw-trait session which will include 3 edited images on CD.  

Please be sure to email me ladies or call me and book when you would like to have your sessions done!

I would also like to add a personal note to each of our contestants as well...

Shawntel & Rudiger - I very much understand what its like to move and to want to share beautiful photos of your fur-babies with your family! Especially when they are so close to your fur-babies! I hope you enjoy your session and your new photos that you will get to share of you and Rudiger in and enjoying your new home!  PS Welcome to the Sunshine Coast!!!

Sue & Bre - Your photo really made me giggle! What a silly and playful pup miss Bre is! She reminds me of my girl Poly-Ana who also loves to climb up high and smother me (sometimes literally lol) with affection!  I know we will have a blast capturing your fun spirits and loving bond!

Diane & Kaiser - your story really touched me extra close! I know too well how special those memories are especially after your special fur-babies pass on to the rainbow bridge and how much it hurts when you don't have any too!  I look very forward to capturing your extra special bond into some very special memories that you will all treasure long after these special fur-kids go to the rainbow bridge to wait for you <3

Michelle & Poncho - I cannot wait to help you to update your photos of your now much bigger Poncho! I know we will have a blast capturing your bond together!!!

I hope all of you have an amazing & super spectacular Mother's Day and hopefully this posting has made it a little brighter today!  Many big hugs from me and my girls to all of you!  


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jennifer, so much!! Bre and I will email you and we'll get together!! Was fun for sure and look forward to our 60 minute session of fun and pictures!! Wow Can't believe I'm getting this great gift...I don't have any professional pictures of my Bre. Thank you again!!
